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OxyTuned Fuel Injectors

OxyTuned Fuel Injectors

SUPPORTS PUMP GAS AND E85 These are our new line of budget fuel injector for your D, B, H, or F&n..

Honda OBD1 Socketed ECU

Honda OBD1 Socketed ECU

This is an ECU for an OBD1 92-95 Honda with a MANUAL transmission, it may be adapted to fit 96-..

Hoodie (Embroidered Logo)

Hoodie (Embroidered Logo)

A high quality pullover hoodie from Just Hoods with our logo embroidered on the front ..

Hondata S300v3

Hondata S300v3

The s300 version 3 is a plug in module to the OBD1 factory Honda Engine Computer (not included) for ..



OBD1 Honda ECU Diagnostic Service

OBD1 Honda ECU Diagnostic Service

We have all the experience and equipment needed to repair, maintain, or modify your ECU! We will ..

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