IC17 Replacement

IC17 Replacement

This part is used to solve a delayed or no fuel pump power condition in an OBD1 (92-95) Honda ECU.&n..

OBD1 Bluetooth Datalogger

OBD1 Bluetooth Datalogger

This is a pre-programmed HC05 Bluetooth module w/ an adapter board and pin header for an OBD1 Honda/..

OBD1 ECU DIY Boost Control Kit

OBD1 ECU DIY Boost Control Kit

This kit contains the components required to operate PWM boost control through the ECU 1 x 305..

OBD1 ECU DIY Capacitor Kit

OBD1 ECU DIY Capacitor Kit

Many of these ECUs have burned up over the years due to the poor quality capacitors they were manufa..

OBD1 ECU DIY Socket Kit

OBD1 ECU DIY Socket Kit

This is a basic DIY socket kit with everything you need to socket your OBD1 Honda ECU Includ..

OBD1 ECU DIY VTEC Conversion Kit

OBD1 ECU DIY VTEC Conversion Kit

This kit contains the required components to add VTEC to a non-VTEC OBD1 ECU Please make sure to ..

Replacement Injector Driver STA460C

Replacement Injector Driver STA460C

This is a replacement STA460C injector driver for any OBD1 Honda ECU Fixes common issues such as ..

Replacement Q31 Transistor (EGR Purge Control)

Replacement Q31 Transistor (EGR Purge Control)

This is a replacement transistor for the Q31 slot on an OBD1 ECU, this controls the EGR purge soleno..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)